Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Kimberly Bohn [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Forest Technology Program
Sci-Tech, 219 717-749-6200
Jeremy Bolin [email protected]
Residence Hall Utility Worker, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Tammi Bolin [email protected]
Part-time Sales Support, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Tracy Bonebrake-Miller [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Kinesiology
Science Technology, 214 717-749-6151
Renee Borromeo [email protected]
Professor-in-Charge & Teaching Professor, Associate Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Allied Health Building, 310 717-749-6020
Roger Bowers [email protected] The Mill 717-749-6080
Teri Bradley [email protected]
Part-Time Chancellor's Administrative Assistant, Chancellor's Office
Conklin Hall, 202
Teri Bradley [email protected]
Part-Time Chancellor's Administrative Assistant, Chancellor's Office
Conklin Hall, 202 717-749-6061
Staci Brennan [email protected]
Athletic Director, Athletics
MAC, 124D 717-749-6170
Derrick Brown [email protected]
Admissions Officer, Enrollment Management
Conklin Hall, 101 717-749-6139
Jimmy Brown [email protected]
Officer, Police Services
Police Services 717-749-6070
Karen Buhr [email protected] General Studies, 112 717-749-6047
Timothy Carey [email protected]
Part-time Driver (Non-CDL), Student Affairs
Multi-purpose Activities Center (MAC) 717-749-6170
Robyn Chotiner [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Continuing Education
Sci-Tech, 214 717-749-6151
Kristofer Cole [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Spanish
Phillip Cordell [email protected] The Mill 717-749-6087
Priscilla Coyne [email protected]
Nursing Clinical Instructor, Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Anita Crawford [email protected]
Director of Public Relations & Marketing, Strategic Communications
Interim Director/General Manager of the Pullo Family Performing Arts Center
Bookstore, 9 717.749.6112
Joseph Cunningham [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Accounting & Finance
Sci-Tech, 214 717-749-6151
Elizabeth Danlea [email protected]